Optimize working capital, enable greater savings, and improve customer relationships with our accounts payable services

Full service Accounts Recieveable processings

Get Your Accounts Payables Where It Needs To Be

We are a leading accounts payable services company offering customized process automation for document management, transaction management, exception resolution, elimination of duplication, and disbursement-related services. Comply with regulatory policies and revolutionize your payment activities by offshoring your accounts payable to Sagelight's experts.

Invoice Processing & Approval

Ensure timely payments, identify and recover delayed payment invoices, and improve cash flow with accounts receivable services. Sagelight accounting helps to process and log accurate invoices to get paid on time for your services and products .

Payment Processing & Collection

Sagelight Accounting is your one-stop place for standard pricing information processing for any of your requirements. We process invoices, include quality checks, budget checks, contract management, and more.

Reconciliation & Reporting

We create custom accounts receivable/payables (AR/AP) aging reports that accurately list out all unpaid customer invoices as well as unused credit memos by date ranges. This helps to efficiently determine which customers haven't yet paid and taken appropriate action.

Customer/Vendor Management

At Sagelight accoutnting, this process includes communicating effectively with customers about invoices and addressing any concerns they may have. This helps in building strong relationship for efficient Account receivable management.

Our Accounts Payable Services Process

1. Invoice Receipt & Processing

At the first stage of Invoice Receipt, we will receive your hard copy and electronic invoices.

2. Image and Data Capture

All your documents will be stored as images and all the invoice images will be viewable.

03. Process and Route

In this stage, invoice documents are processed and are routed to the relevant customer executives for approval and a final resolution.

04. Disburse and Archive

The approved invoices will be uploaded to the customer's A/P system for payment through standard interfaces, on all accounting platforms.

Join hundreds of small business owners who trust Sagelight accounting with their AR/AP operations.

See what running a business is like with Sagelight accounting on your side. Book your slot now with a dedicated accountant and let us take care of your accounts receivable and Payable operations so that you can focus on your core operations.